Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Obsessing Over Cellulite?

Almost everybody, women especially, seem to be troubled by cellulite. Becoming obsessed with cellulite could be called the latest national pastime. Quit! Wouldn't it be more wise to get the facts, first?

Unless you are fresh out of the womb, or a teenager, you may be in that "lucky" segment of the demographic findings that indeed, knows that word, but are yet to show any interest in how to eliminate it. But more bad news for pretty much everybody. Most women who have that disheartening rough terrain, dimpled, dare I say: 'cottage cheese' like epidermis (your skin) who are seeking a solution to the cellulite we are constantly trying to cover, hide or camouflage.

Mind you, it is not fair. Of course, you haven't deliberately said, '..please, please, God, let me have more cellulite on my body, I'm begging you! - just a guess, right? But reality is definitely a problem. It's no secret, you have discovered your butt, stomach, lower back, upper leg, the skin around and between, that are not normally susceptible to cellulite, but when you weren't looking, have indeed caused you to think twice about the activities you do and the clothes you wear and enough is enough, you want to take the necessary actions to get back in control.

You may be as slender as a coat-hanger, talk on and on about to your best friends about all that you can eat without a care in the world, and have no reason to worry about one, noticeable pound to be gained as a result. As impossible as that sounds you aren't safe from cellulite. Perhaps you even exercise, watch your health, and eat square meals, and yet cellulite doesn't care, and it is almost inevitable it will be coming back like the need to pay taxes every year. Not welcome, of course. How to get rid of cellulite is a decades old challenge that sometimes even scientific people will twist their words, push people out of the way just to tease you of the miracle cure in a box, bottle or tube that is destined to fix cellulite skin like magic.

That definitely does upset me.

To be honest, the fat hiding under our skin, cellulite, at least the way you and I think of it, those fatty areas found on our body that we don't care for in the least, little bit, not many of the 'big promises' out there are worth the real results, hidden in the fine print.

There are hundreds of cellulite eliminating products being promoted today. And those who tell you to avoid one, only to try another, often have a direct hand in your potential sale. Not exactly the insight that is looking out for your best interests.

In every shape, size, color and appeal: anti-cellulite creams, the perfect cellulite exercise, the latest cellulite treatment, putting their 'cellulite therapy" in a spa - implying an endorsement, wear anti cellulite undergarments, cellulite removal via plastic surgery, alternative cellulite treatments certain to have you driving yourself batty with the weird stuff you're told to slather on your skin, has just 1 objective in mind: to make you purchase whatever they are selling.

Perhaps you've taken the hook, line and sinker for that so inspiring testimonial, printed blurb from a health and diet magazine, look at me then and look at me now photo as proof that what they 'ironically' are marketing works - And good news! - it vanishes into thin air: fatty deposits, cellulite, cottage cheese, or 'insert your favorite cellulite nickname here', or so they say.

Don't despair. Maybe I can shed the light on what you are reading in the mainstream media, and curb cellulite myths and the completely bogus, before this cellulite conundrum gets too big for it's own britches - oh, the irony. Stop being obsessed with cellulite.

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