Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shoulder Injury The Cause

It wasn't until I originally wrote this article about a year ago, for an old website I used to have, that I realized that I had something important to contribute to the bodybuilding community.

I had no idea when I wrote this article that it would single handedly raise the stock and notoriety of me as a bodybuilding writer. The other day while I was working on another website and someone asked me what happened to that article I wrote on shoulder injury?

Right then it hit me other people were getting hits and links for an article that I originally wrote. Now that I have I can start once again writing articles that are honest and informative. So here is a complete copy of my original article "Shoulder Pain the Cause"

This article addresses the causes of shoulder injury a common problem to athletes that participate in bodybuilding weightlifting and other weight assisted sports.

Most people think that the shoulder is a ball and socket connection much like the hip joint; nothing could be further from the truth. The shoulder is made up of two main bones the humerus the large bone in the upper arm, and the scapula the fan shaped bone of the upper back. The humerus is covered by cartilage which in a cartilage covered semi cup called the glenoid. This and the top boney extensions of the scapula make up a very fragile ball joint.

When its time to evaluate the shoulder muscles, most of the time we think of the shoulder muscles we think of the deltoids, and the trapezius. However the shoulder is made up of other lesser seen muscles whose development is essential to health shoulder joints. These lesser muscles are the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and the teres major, minor better know as the rotor cuff muscles. Below is the action of these muscles, there purpose, origin and insertions:

Supraspinatus: This muscle has an origin at the top of the scapula and an insertion at the top or superior facet of the humerus. This muscle initiates and assists the deltoid in the abduction (rising) of the arm.

Infraspinatus: this fan shaped muscle has it origin at the middle of the scapula it covers about 90 percent of the scapula and insert at Middle facet on greater tuberosity of humerus (the larger tube shape connection of the upper arm at the ball shaped top). The purpose of this muscle is to lateral lift the arm help to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula

Teres Major: this muscle has it origin at the lower inside of the scapula and insertion is at the middle of the opposite side of the humerus, just below the humeral head. The purpose of this muscle is to abduct and rotate the arm across the body, as if your elbow was pointing down and just your forearm rotated across your body.

Teres Minor: This tiny muscle has its origin at the lateral boarder of the scapula just above the teres major, and its insertion at the Inferior facet on greater tuberosity of humerus. This little muscle has to lateral rotate the arm, and like the Infraspinatus help to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.

Not only to the rotor cuff muscle stabilize the shoulder they assist in moving the arm especially during internal and external rotation. However the ability of the rotor cuff muscle to stabilize depends on their strength in relation to the larger deltoids and trapezius muscles. The solution to shoulder pain is simple strengthen the rotor cuff muscles and the shoulder pain goes away.

But where did the pain come from in the beginning? Easy, when the humeral head of the upper arm is stretched in such a way that it separates form the glenoid cup, the rotor cuff muscles can no longer stabilize the shoulder. This would happen when doing stretching (I prescribe to the theory of never stretching the shoulder) or when an exercise that used the shoulder muscles are pulled from what I call an unnatural position (as in behind the neck pull downs).

There are only two other ways to working around this problem short of surgery, one is to modify your workout so that you are less likely to injury the shoulder; and two to do those exercises that can strengthen the stabilizer muscle of the rotor cuff. In my next article I will address modifying the workout to prevent shoulder injury.

Troy Pearsall is a dedicated Christian, bodybuilder, and grandfather. He owns Fire Iron Online a hardcore bodybuilding website that tries to promote the sport of bodybuilding in a healthy and honest way. Motivated by the amount of high blood pressure, diabetes and other health related disease, and living in Philadelphia the fattest city in America, Troy was moved to give the knowledge of health and fitness to strengthen the body mind and spirit of those that needed it. To learn more on how to build the body in an upright fashion go Blog24055
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